Extreme Engine

Extreme Engine is a very comprehensive program designed to causes massive performance increases in both gym endurance and 5k running performance.


3 x 4 week phases

5 sessions per week (2-3 x Strength/Athleticism/Metabolic Conditioning, 3 x Interval and/or Steady State Cardio)

Phase 1 builds a large aerobic base and muscle endurance whilst increasing injury resilience.

Phase 2 takes that base and improves your ventilatory thresholds so you can breathe harder for longer and increase your cardio output.

Phase 3 continues the ventilatory threshold rebuild whilst improving your lactic acid threshold.

This program comes with three tests to perform just before and just after the program, so you can clearly see the huge improvements you’ve made!


Intermediate to advanced. You should be able to jog/run 5km even if it’s slowly at first!


‘Functional gym’ set up with barbells, dumbbells and cardio machines (row, air bike and ski erg)

A heart rate monitor is highly recommended but not essential.


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