Fitness Figure

Fitness Figure will transform your body, unveil amazing definition and increase sex appeal. If you want to sculpt curves in all the right places, you need this program.

In 12 weeks your self-confidence will sky-rocket and you’ll wonder why you didn’t do this years ago – no more guesswork or getting frustrated at trying hard but going in circles.

This is the training and nutrition that really works to get those ‘Wow! Look at you moments” and will create excitement about how you look with or without clothes on…


3 x 4 week phases

3-6 sessions per week (3-4 x Weight training, 2-5 x optional HIIT and/or Steady State Cardio) depending on time availability and commitment

Fitness Figure includes simple but precise nutrition programming to work in harmony with each phase


The program also details things you never knew about how female fat loss works and why it so often fails, so that you never do again!


Access the 7 Day ‘Peak Week’ protocol to strip those last bits of body fat and water before your wedding day, vacation or big night out in that little dress!


Beginner to advanced. You should know how to perform basic gym exercises.


Standard gym set up with combination of free weights, fixed weights (not essential) and cardio machines


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